This week so far in Twitter trending topics

Alright, so I was thinking of a new sort of theme to Thursday blogs for those of you who are unable to keep up with what is happening around the world and what people are talking about. Every Thursday, I will be here to help you catch up on what has happened this week so far… with the use of Trending Topics from Twitter in the form of hashtags, mostly. What are hashtags? #GoogleIt


MONDAY: #staystrongbillyraycyrus#VMAs2013, Justin TimberlakeMileyAssSmallerThan

The VMAs on Monday brought on a lot of comments regarding Justin Timberlake and  the rumored NSYNC reunion (albeit people were really just asking “Who the hell is NSYNC?”) but what people were REALLY talking about from the evening’s events was the fact that Miley Cyrus was twerking all around, getting somewhat naked and grinding all up on Robin Thicke’s business. This then brought on the trending topic that encouraged the Twitter-sphere to tweet about thing that are smaller than Miley’s ass. The somewhat thoughtful somewhat hilarious hashtag #staystrongbillyraycyrus was trending within minutes of the so-called “Miley meltdown”.

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How to watch a movie at a cinema


Taken by Kenneth Lu

This here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to  watch a movie at a cinema. Follow these steps and you will successfully have positive movie theater experience. By following these steps, you are also decreasing the likelihood of getting punched in the face at a cinema.

Step 1: Buy or collect your tickets from the box office
This is a fairly easy step but keep it mind, it requires basic manners and patience if there are long waiting lines. Remember that these tickets are being sold at fixed prices and that sales representatives are unable to “sell them at a special discounted price, if you know what I mean”. Also remember that being told they indeed are unable to give you a special discount does not entitle you to rage at them.

An ideal transaction would go as follows:

Sales rep: Hi may I help you? (Or something like that, who knows)
You: Hi, can I please get two tickets to [Insert movie title here] at [Insert showing time here]?
Sales rep: Certainly! Just pick your seats and that will be $25, thank you. 
Proceed to hand them your money in a polite manner and in turn they will hand you your tickets and you both say your awkward thank yous and welcomes. 

Step 2: Buy some snacks from the concession stand (Optional)
Again, another easy task that requires basic manners and patience. You may choose to skip this step if you are not up to spending extra for snacks you could get cheaper at your local grocery store. Seriously, just sneak that shit in, no one will notice. (Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee that no one will notice)

Step 3: Make your way to your seats
When you buy a ticket, you will be allocated a seat which you will most likely  have chosen before paying. Most of the time, you will be directed to your seat by an usher. However, this step may vary as some cinemas do not allocate seats, so it’s more of having to grab a good seat before someone else does. Be sure to say “excuse me” in cases where you have to move up and down a row, you don’t want to be a dick now, do you? 

You’re seated now. Great. Now is your time to have a quick chat with your friend about what you think the movie will be like or what you had for lunch that day. Maybe even sneak a pre-movie selfie to post on your Instagram. Please do not wait until during the movie to tell your friend about how hot that guy you saw last week was and how the main character reminds you of him.

If you are late and the movie has already started, do not try and look for your friend saving your seat by whisper-shouting their name. Try to send them a message beforehand asking what seat they are in or if you have your own ticket, ask an usher for help. 

Step 4: Sit back, relax and turn your goddamn phone off or at least put that thing on silent mode.
Need I say more? We don’t need to hear your awesome new ringtone and you don’t need to be taking calls in the middle of a movie, anyway.

Step 5: Watch the movie
Just watch the movie. No one wants to hear your commentary, your opinions, your discussions, your popcorn-filled mouth. No one wants to hear you. Just shut up and watch. If you’re eating, chew with your mouth shut, you uncultured swine. 

TIP: Got a bag of chips/candy? Open that shit up before the movie starts and get it ready in a way where you won’t have to touch it later on. Minimize your noise.

If you decide that halfway through you are in need of a good stretch, stay put. Do not put your feet up on the back of someone’s seat. They’ll probably punch you in the face.

Step 6: Leave
Unless you’re at a premier with the movie’s actors/director, do not clap when the movie ends. It is unnecessary and weird. Actually, you know what, go ahead and clap. I really don’t care.

Before leaving, remember to clean your shit up or at least leave it in a way that doesn’t make life hell for the person who needs to clean up after your nasty ass. There’s nothing worse than spilled soda and popcorn with some gummy bears thrown in for good measure. Don’t forget to check that you’ve got all your crap with you because it’s a hassle to forget a phone/wallet.

That’s it! Follow these steps and you will successfully have positive movie theater experience. By following these steps, you are also decreasing the likelihood of getting punched in the face.


Just don’t be obnoxious and loud and everything will be fine. Yes, I know some people would say that it’s “part of the experience” to sit through a 2-hour-long movie with the guy next to you who just can’t seem to shut the hell up, but I say that’s just plain rudeness. Seriously, if all you’re going to do is talk about how shitty the movie is and how fake everything looks, just save yourself a few bucks and stay home and stream it or wait for the DVD to come out or something. I really can’t stand when people decide that right then and there is the perfect time to critique the movie they’re watching.

Another thing, when you sneak food in, at least be thoughtful about it. I’m sure you love your curry but is it really the right thing to bring into a cinema? It makes me feel like I should be watching a Bollywood movie.


Excuse my lack of post on Thursday, last week. I was going through a bit of a crisis but I’ve dealt with it and now I’m all good and ready to go.

Hope you enjoyed today’s how-to guide.

Thanks for reading!

Not Ellis

EA games and other stuff

Here I am again talking about my life to the internet. Today’s adventures consisted of a hospital visit for school. We saw some pretty gruesome stuff and talked about a lot of horrible things. It was a lovely day.

On a different note, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want this blog to really cover and I guess I’m sticking to media, pop culture and current events or trends that relate to those topics. It will mainly be me talking about or reviewing movies, shows, games and whatever else pops up along the way.

With that in mind, I’d like to share something that caught my interest today. If you are a casual gamer like me or a hardcore gamer or just know someone who games, then you’ll love this game bundle here.  What’s happening is an EA games bundle including games like Dead Space, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Mirror’s Edge, Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor, Battlefield 3*, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, and The Sims 3 + Starter pack* is available for purchase at any price you want (starting at $1 or any amount above $4.74 to include the Sims 3 and Battlefield 3) and ALL proceeds go to charity! Plus, at a retail price of around $215 all together, that’s a pretty good deal.

Humble Bundle

Essentially, you get to play and help out charities like the American Red Cross and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and others. I personally haven’t bought the bundle because I have most of the games anyway but if you would like to then you should. The bundle is available for purchase from today through to August 28.

At this moment there are almost 630,000 purchases and over $2 MILLION dollars in payments. It also shows a list of the Top 10 contributors with the highest paid amount being $1300. Amazing, really. It’s great to see that not only did this person pay more than the minimum amount, they also paid almost $1100 more than the bundle’s retail price.

What do you think about the idea of selling products this way and having all the proceeds go to charity? Is it just a massive advertising scheme or are EA truly embracing the gift of giving? Would you buy this bundle for the minimum price or would you pay retail price or even shell out an extra $1000? Let me know in the comments below.

Again, the link to the bundle is here. CLICK ME

Not Ellis


“At one point one of the performers simply prances back and forth for a good ten minutes while someone else paces around the stage with a book in hand, shaking his head. They are then joined by more people, each doing something different and it all just looks like someone has put together a bunch of random dancers and put them on a loop.”

The above is taken from my review of Einstein on the Beach which can be found on the YC website. Go check it out! I’ve also put up links to my other reviews for things like Anna Karenina and other stuff I’ve written which can be found here (reviews) and here (articles)

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Now You See Me

Alright, so for those of you who have been keeping up with this blog, you’ll know that I was invited to an advance screening of Now You See Me.

The movie was above average, keyword being average. To put it simply, there was too much going on and too many unbelievable tricks being done. That’s not to say that the tricks were so amazing that I couldn’t believe them. On the contrary, they were tricks I absolutely could not believe at all simply because of the fact that anything can be played around with using CGI and other editing techniques.

Anyway, I’ve written an actual review for it and will submit it to the YC editor soon, so be on a lookout for a link to that next week.

In other news, I have a bunch of exciting events I’m going to cover in the next few months. Continue reading